Do You Like WordPress – 7 Killer Plug-ins

There’s no doubt that WordPress rocks as a blogging and content-management system. Once installed, you can do amazing things with it right out of the virtual box. 7 Must Have Killer Plugins for WordPress.

In this series we will present you some Plugins every pro uses on his blog. You should use them too!

  1. Ultimate Search Engine Optimization:  All-In-One-SEO – Pretty much the current standard for allowing page and post individual optimization – a must for a multiple landing page approach to organic rankings.
  2. Google Site Map Maker – Be friendly to Google and you will win. Make it easy for Google to index the pages and post of your choice by implementing this plugin.
  3. Database Back Up: Better do this often or better yet, use this one that automatically sends you a back up file!
  4. Video Blogging: More and more folks are blogging their way to stardom – join the crew.
  5. Advanced TinyMice Editor: The onboard editor with WP is pretty bleak. This is something they could improve upon greatly, but in the meantime, there’s several plugins to make your WYSIWYG experience just like a word processor.
  6. Exclude Pages: I’m not sure why WP doesn’t give us an easy option for hiding pages, but they don’t as far as I can see. This helps my hide pages that need not be on visible navigation.
  7. Share This: Instead of chasing every social network icon around and having a bunch of useless icons festooned on your webpage or blog, why not just make it easy for people to share your content that they think is cool. ShareThis does this as well or better than anyone else.